Meet Zeke & Rhombus

Greetings, Earthlings. My pet Rhombus and I are from the planet Zilizag. We  love to rocket through space. And since my home planet has achieved peace, my Peaceful Planets Project takes us on adventures around the universe to find out if there is peace on other planets, too. We’ve made some stellar friends, from Earth to the planet Narfblatt. Rhombus and I understand nine languages, but you will notice that I often use Zilizag code to communicate.


Strongest virtues: Peacefulness, friendliness, unity

Favorite things to do: Explore the galaxies, make friends with Earthlings, learn about new cultures and ways of life

What you should know about me: I’ve visited 99 different galaxies so far and made friends on every continent on Earth. Rhombus has been my pet since I was born.

I like to help others by: Sharing ideas for building peace that work on Zilizag

Place I’d love to visit: The Rose Nebula

Favorite food: Argoonas, super-juicy fruits that grow in the rainforests of Zilizag

You can draw us with this fun video from our friend, C. Aaron Kreader!  

Zeke24 Rhombus16 Zilizag15 Characters462 Galaxies10 Space59 Explore37 Peace115 Planets18 Universe16 Stars29